
Jorge Campo

FullStack Developer / Pentester
ejpt ecppt

MemeStack (Frontend)

MemeStack is a meme-based social network for developers. Users will register, log in and publish using the social network API. This project has been developed with the REACT/REDUX framework.

MemeStack API (Backend)

API REST for social network where users can register, log in, post and like posts. This project has been developed with Node + Express technologies, in addition to MongoDB/Mongoose.

Tech Shop (Frontend)

Tech Shop is an e-commerce where users will register, log in, view products and create orders using the e-commerce API. This project has been developed with the REACT/REDUX framework.

Tech Shop API (Backend)

API REST for e-commerce where users can register, log in, view products, create orders and make the payment with Stripe. This project has been developed with Node + Express technologies, in addition to MongoDB/Sequelize.

Trivia Quiz

The project consists of developing a Quiz, capable of showing the wrong and correct results. The Quiz consists of 10 questions that come from an API and are presented in SPA (single-page application) format.

Ethical Hacking Blog

My personal blog where you can find Writeups from HackTheBox and VulnHub CTF machines, news and technical information of interest about the world of cybersecurity and pentesting.